Benedictine Monk retreat and Basilica. Make this your retirement destination!
Benedictine Monk retreat and Basilica, Montserrat Spain see my Barcelona Guide!

Hello, I am the Grumpy Retiree! This blog is for people that are in or near retirement or just bored!

It is too easy to become complacent in retirement so I will share ideas about staying busy in retirement. You may spend 30 years or more in retirement and there is no time to waste!

I will cover whatever pops into my head, which is a very scary place. Information on travel, hiking, wine, exercise, food, finance, and more. Mostly I want to inspire people to keep moving and try new things! Retirement is a great gift you give to yourself. Don’t waste it!

“Retirement is a great gift you give to yourself. Don’t waste it!”

The Grumpy Retiree

Be forewarned, if you are dumb enough to follow me, you do so at your own risk. I’m grumpy and I like being grumpy! I have the patience of a gnat and sarcasm to me is a virtue. I swear at red lights and I swear at people that don’t move when red lights turn green. I am Yosemite Sam to my wife’s Bugs Bunny. She keeps me in check … usually.

There are a few simple categories on this page. The Grumpy Blog is all my blog posts in one place. Travel and Retirement are anything related to travel & retirement in case they need explanation. Grumblings are random thoughts and essays on life that that piss me off.

You can learn a little more about me here. You can learn a lot less about me here.

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The Grumpy Blog

Epic Travel Itinerary to Vietnam

The Grumpy Retiree is working on an Epic Travel Itinerary to Vietnam. This post describes the planning process for those interested in following along how I book overseas adventures without a travel agent. While this Read more…

High Mortgage Rates Makes Home Buyers Grumpy as Boomers

The housing crisis is apparently upon us. As The Grumpy Retiree, I thought I had reached the pinnacle of pessimism, but it seems that Gen Z and Millennials have taken it to a whole new level. These young home buyers are now just as grumpy as us old boomers. They love to blame high mortgage rates for all their woes, but are they the cause or just a convenient scapegoat?

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