Live! On The Road in Italy 2023!

Published by The Grumpy Retiree on

This is the first “On The Road with The Grumpy Retiree” photo page. This is a semi-live picture post. I will post travel tips for Sicily and the Amalfi Coast area on my return! This page is now Live! I’ll try and post a picture every day, but I’ll be busy eating & drinking so ……

I won’t be sending emails every time I post a damn picture. It’s Too Complicated (ITC). I will be adding some (not all) pictures to either Facebook or Twitter depending on my mood. You can follow me there with the little round buttons below so you will get a notification.

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“Enjoy the pictures or don’t because as always ….. Whoooo Cares!”

The Grumpy Retiree!

Sicily by Photo!

Starting our first full day in Palermo Sicily after about 18 hours travel to Italy. A long travel day with only a short delay but we are here now. Day one of 11 in Sicily!

Piazza San Domenico Palermo Sicily

Scenes from around Palermo Sicily. Above Teatro (theater) Massimo exterior and interior stage. Bottom left is the Teatro Politeama on left and a quiet Palermo alley way (right). Below is 3 of the 4 corners of Quattro Canti in the historic center of Palermo.

Wow! Day 2 in Palermo Sicily. We had a great day today in Palermo. Started with a walk to the Mercato del Capo an outdoor food market selling fish, vegetables, fruit, pasta and just about anything needed to cook a Sicilian meal.

Entrance to Mercato del Capo Palermo Sicily.

Palermo wears its personality on its sleeve. It’s in your face. You like it or you don’t, with nothing in between. But Palermo welcomes you if you let it. You are never alone in Palermo.

The Grumpy Retiree

After our market walk we met Chef Marco for a cooking class. The group included a couple from Germany and 2 couples from Scotland, all great people. None were as grumpy as me and they still let me play with the knives! We had a great cooking class and a great meal with lots of wine. Following the class we lost ourselves walking Palermo back streets.

We said goodby to Palermo and drove towards Marsala our next destination. Top 3 photos are Enrice, a hill town overlooking Trapani. Bottom is Marsala and the Marsala Salt Flats.

From Marsala we head to Agrigentino. Today’s highlight is the Valley dei Templi and pizza. I liked the pizza best in case anyone besides me cares.

This is pizza. I was hungry.

Tomorrow I hope to get you a picture of the Panda that we have become fond of. Think Mr. Bean. Think.

Here it is! The Fiat Panda has not needed to be fed yet. Soon though, as it seems a bit thirsty after we brought it to the beach.

We took some detours along the way to Siracusa. Stopped at a beach on the southern shore of Sicily. Then took the scenic route to Ragusa and Siracusa. The city pictures are Ragusa which was a beautiful hill town. Worth the detour!

Wine in Ragusa
Electric Citroen

In Italy they have the Electric Citroen for the person that doesn’t know if they are coming or going.

Day 7 in Sicily! Scenes from Siracusa on the East Coast of Sicily.

We have all been there. Put down the kickstand. Bike tips over. Lean bike against something. Done!

Always a variety of things to see on vacation!

Head out with Ginger, Maryann & The Skipper for a 3 hour tour in Siracusa Sicily.

The Italian Flag colors in Siracusa

Damn it! I am grumpy! Mt. Etna was a bust. The weather turned bad at about 2700 meters/8880 feet. Below freezing and strong winds with blowing freezing rain. We had to turn back. So far the only disappointment of the trip.

After over 1000km, or about 700 miles driving, we begrudgingly said goodbye to Sicily and the Fiat Panda. Up at 4am to return the car and catch a train to Italy mainland. 4am was never the plan, but this is Italy. Plans change in Italy. You change with Italy, Italy doesn’t change for you.

Plans change in Italy. You change with Italy, Italy doesn’t change for you.”

Returning the Panda
The Grumpy Retiree

Off to Mainland Italy!

Are we taking the train? Or are we taking the boat? Yes and Yes. We are on the train on the boat from Sicily to Italy mainland.

Several hours of luxury Italian Intercity train travel, some lemon soda, mortadella and provolone panino and chips. We end in Salerno, south of Naples and adjacent to the famous Amalfi Coast.

Two panini, two lemon sodas and one bag of originali chips. 6 Euro or about $6.50. I couldn’t be happier.

Salerno! What a great city! I absolutely love Salerno it is authentic Italian with a fraction of the tourists. Right on the ocean with ferry service to the Amalfi coast. We are in Salerno for 4 nights.

We took the ferry from Salerno to the town of Amalfi. The day started nice and ended very wet! Amalfi was pretty to see … from the sea. But too many stinkin tourists. (Like me). Luckily we got there early because by mid day I was missing Salerno.

A huge thunderstorm rolled in and actually knocked out the power to the town of Amalfi at one point. The ferry was delayed, we were wet and cold and I was grumpy as expected. Glad to get back to Salerno.

Mural in Salerno

We are close to the end of 16 nights sightseeing in Italy. There are still a few places to see. Pompeii and Ercolano historical sites are on the agenda. While Pompeii gets all the attention, Ercolano’s ruins are in some ways more impressive, more manageable and less tourists! In Ercolano the second story of buildings are more intact than Pompeii.

Saying goodbye to Salerno was hard to do. It was a welcome surprise just how wonderful a city Salerno is. But Napoli (Naples) awaits for just one day of sightseeing. Another early morning Italian train and another Italian city.

Train to Napoli Centrale

Naples comes at you from every direction. You either join the chaos or get run over, literally. We saw the underground, had pizza and designed our own food tour.

Now off to Greece! We are spending 3 nights in Athens and 5 nights on the island of Crete. Check out the pictures by following the link!

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