
Switzerland Mountains

Hi! I am The Grumpy Retiree! I am not as grumpy as when I was The Grumpy Worker, but still pretty grumpy. Seeing things differently is my way of life.

I was born a few days after air and dirt were invented and live in the US. No, I am not a digital nomad, a regular nomad or a hobo despite my attire. I have a people sized house and a tiny house. I have 1 daughter, 1 granddaughter, 1 dog and just 1 wife that puts up with me.

Cooper – (Breed: Crocadoodle;
Half Poodle half Crocodile)

I live in an over 55 active adult community 6 months of the year and in a tiny house in Maine 6 months of the year. The two worlds could not be more different from one another.

My jobs ranged from computers to restaurants to engineering and 2 whole weeks as a postal worker. (Some jobs lasted longer than others.) As a field service engineer for 16 years I traveled throughout the USA and overseas.

Technically, so I’ve been told, I am semi-retired. I retired from a real job in 2022 and now work part time as a Wine Steward at a winery during my summer vacation. My job is more like adults going to summer camp and playing with crayons and wine. I am unsure it qualifies as work, therefore I still consider myself retired regardless what other think! The job comes with booze which lured me in. Someone has to do it!

Long Boat Phuket Thailand

I have visited 47 of the 50 United States and several countries including Italy, Thailand, India, Australia, Spain, Egypt and Peru, to name a few. I plan to provide a lot of travel information. Not necessarily the typical how to or where to guide, just where I am, what I am doing and what is aggravating me there.

Feel free to join me for the ride!

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