How to Communicate Better With Your Dog

Published by The Grumpy Retiree on

Vulcan Yard Sale: My Crap to Your Crap, Your Money to My Money

Therefore, in an endeavor to remove useless clutter from my life, I have started to toss out the real crap and try and sell the good crap. This has its high and low moments. When you look at an empty shelf you immediately think “Wow, I have room for more stuff now”. Then, realizing that was not the purpose of this undertaking, you start to admire the empty shelves. That is a high moment when actual progress is made.

man wearing brown suit jacket mocking on white telephone
Photo by Moose Photos on

Are You Taking a Survey or Are You an Interested Buyer?

Not all experiences are bad, some people know how to communicate. A woman purchased an item and sent me arrival time which was accurate to the minute. Not hard to do with Google Maps, but many still can’t get here on time. A dog car seat, a sign, large cooler, some planters and a woman’s bicycle were all sold successfully. The 3 items sold to younger people were some tools, Christmas lighting and a nice hardwood piece of furniture. All bought by younger guys.

Not to hard to figure out travel distance now, is it?

And I have plenty of items that would appeal to anyone. A young woman purchased camping equipment. She was easy to communicate with and showed up on time. She was also the only younger woman to successfully buy anything from me. I know meeting a stranger for an item can be of concern, so I always offer to meet in a public place.

Unfortunately we slipped down the good communication slope. Three to five letter sentences and emojis are normal styles of the day. There just isn’t time to write a sentence. If anything, communication is instantaneous now, we have more time to do it well. Growing up we got the inkwell and quill pen out, grabbed some birch bark and started writing. Handed off to the post office (pony express) and 15 days later it was delivered. Then, wait 3 months for a response. Not unlike Facebook Marketplace buyers.

Lastly, How to Communicate Better With Your Dog

Cute white Maltipoo trying to understand.
I Understand & Feel For You!

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