Views of Mt. Desert and Acadia National Park Maine

Published by The Grumpy Retiree on

Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Island is one of my favorite travel destinations. It is near and dear to my heart and I am a little less grumpy when I am hiking a trail in Acadia. Don’t get concerned, I am not pleasant, just a little less grumpy. I now live there from May through October and cannot be more pleased, except for the tourists! Wait a minute, tourist pay for my salary damn it! Below is a quick photographic journey through Acadia, Bar Harbor and the surrounding island of Mt. Desert.

Lupine blooming on Mt. Desert Island Late June.

Hiking is a favorite pastime of mine when in Maine. There are 26 “official” peaks in Acadia National Park according to the Park Service. With all the hiking trails it is easy to spend days hiking and never be on the same trail or on top of the same mountain. I can hike for miles without seeing a person! That’s a good day for me!

I use the hiking book A Walk in the Park by Tom St. Germain for over 25 years now. There are over 60 detailed hikes in his Hiking Guide and I highly recommend this book. (I get no commission if you click the link, I just like the book!)

Parkman Mountain Trail Marker Acadia National Park

Parkman Mountain peak & Trail Marker.

I hiked over Parkman Mountain 6 or 7 times in the summer of 2022. Parkman Mt. seems to be in the middle of a lot of my hikes. It would have been at least one time less if I didn’t get lost! (I never have my hiking guide with me, eventually I come out someplace!)

Long Pond has several good trails on The Quiet Side of Acadia National Park. Use the slider in the middle of the 2 pictures below. Don’t make me come to your house to show you how to use it!

Long Pond from boat launch Early Morning and Mid-Afternoon
Lichen Acadia National Park

Lichen growing on a tree, it’s everywhere. There are so many small details in Acadia National Park! Sure the ocean views are beautiful, but look for the little things once in a while.

The Petrified Snakes at Acadia National Park are everywhere. They are a very slow moving snake, but can be slippery when wet. Be careful when hiking not to trip on them. Not very rare, they are found on many trails in Acadia.

Petrified Snakes on the Grandgent Trail between Gilmore Peak and Sargent Mountain.

Petrified Snakes at Acadia National Park, Grandgent Trail between Gilmore Peak and Sargent Mountain
Man clamming in Maine mud flat Mt. Desert

Clamming in Maine is really hard work. Thanks to people like this I can eat a lot of fried clams while in Maine. My back hurts just looking at this picture!

Wonsqueak Harbor Gouldsboro Maine near Schoodic Peninsula.

Read the Legend of Wonsqueak Harbor.

Wonsqueak arbor Gouldsboro Maine

Can’t tell you.

Beech Mountain Fire Tower Acadia National Park

Beech Mountain, on the Quiet Side in Southwest Harbor, is the only peak in Acadia National Park with a fire tower. It is an easy hike with some nice views to the ocean. From the Beech Mounting parking lot (limited parking) the trailhead starts near the bathroom facilities, how sweet it is. Follow the trail a short distance and take the first left up to Beech Mountain. Loop back on the trail behind the tower with fantastic views to Long Pond. About 1.5 miles round trip.

Working boat Bar Harbor harbor
Bar Harbor emergency Porta-Potty Service. Never enough bathrooms in Bar Harbor
West Face Trail Cadillac Mountain Acadia National Park

West Face Trail to Cadillac Mountain, the ladders are the easy part.

I came down this trail in the rain in winter many years ago when my brain was less developed. I DO NOT recommended this trail in the winter or the rain. Tore up my rain gear sliding most of the way down on my ass. NOW they have a sign telling you not to hike this trail in bad weather. My face should be on that sign.

Lily Pads at The Wild Gardens of Acadia at Sieur de Monts Spring off the Park Loop Road. Acadia National Park.

Lily pads Acadia National Park
Boats in Bar Harbor harbor

These are boats.

(No further explanation needed or provided.)

Jordan Pond House outdoor seating overlooking Jordan Pond and The North and South Bubbles. This is a very popular spot known for serving popovers on the lawn. The popovers are on a plate, the chairs are on the lawn, in case you were curious.

Jordan Pond House Acadia National Park

Lily Pads Acadia National Park

Beaver Dam Pond on the Park Loop Road, Acadia National Park

Bubble Rock Acadia National Park
Bubble Rock near the peak of South Bubble Mountain, Acadia National Park
Eagle lake Acadia National Park

Overlooking Eagle lake from Bubble Bubble Nubble Bubble Bubble Trail (AKA Double Bubble Nubble Double Bubble Trail.) OK, that’s my name for this trail. I am sure it has some other name nowhere near as catchy so why use that?

To hike Bubble Bubble Nubble Bubble Bubble start at Bubble Rock Parking lot, hike South Bubble to North Bubble continue to Corner’s Nubble. Now turn around and hit North Bubble and South Bubble on the way back. About 3 miles of quiet hiking after leaving Bubble Rock area.

Wild flowers are everywhere on Mt. Desert Island. If I knew anything about or remotely liked gardening, I could tell you what these are, but I hate gardening. And I am too damn lazy to research or ask anyone. I think they are binkas, or gazeelias, take your pick.

How about pinkish purple wild flowers, we all OK with that?

Wild flowers Acadia National Park
Jordan Pond Acadia National Park

Jordan Pond from the aptly named Jordan Pond Trail.

Hadlock Brook Trail better. Also known as balance beam for the unbalanced.

Jordan Cliffs Trail Acadia National Park
Jordan Cliffs Trail

Sunset overlooking Mt. Desert Narrows Bar Harbor, Maine

The view to Sand Beach while hiking Champlain Mountain Precipice Trail is shown below. Precipice is considered the most challenging hiking trail in Acadia National Park. Consisting of several areas with iron rungs and steep drops, a few people have died here. Hike The Beehive Trail first and if it scares the crap out of you, don’t hike Precipice!

Precipice Trail view to ocean Acadia National Park

The hike will take about an hour to the peak of Champlain Mountain for an experienced hiker. Plan on 2 hours up for casual hikers. The Park Rangers strongly recommend only hiking up now due to traffic and difficulty. Years ago (before Internet & Instagram) you could hike up and down as not as many people hiked the trail. The easiest way back to the parking lot now is via the Orange & Black trail (AKA East Face) and Park Loop Road.

Most people know this trail simply as “Precipice”, but Champlain Mountain Precipice Trail or The Precipice Path are more historically correct. Precipice’s smaller brother is The Beehive Precipice or Little Precipice Path and now is simply known as the “Beehive Trail”. Now you can impress, depress or bore someone you don’t really want to hike with by telling this story. If that doesn’t shake them, click the link above for all the details.

The Rain In Maine 2023

Isle Au Haut, Maine

In over 40 years of traveling the Main Coast and visiting the stunning scenery of Mount Desert Island, I finally made the trip to Isle Au Haut. This somehow always fell off my list of places to visit while in Maine, but 2023 I finally made the trip.

Stonington Harbor, Maine start of the boat trip to Isle Au Haut

The weather was not inspiring, starting with thin mist and grey fog floating above the sea, but that added to a place that was somewhat mysterious to me. An island always seems to hide in plain view, revealing only to its inhabitants the true beauty. A day here is not enough, it will have to do … for now.

Isle Au Haut contains a part of Acadia National Park that is likely the least visited section of the park. Being here was a step back in time. A special place I should never had waited o long to see.

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